In Documentary

In this day and age, stress is unfortunately integrated into our daily lives. We often feel stressed due to pressure at work, managing expectations, wanting to be more productive, and juggling multiple priorities in our personal lives all at the same time. While stress is a common response, it is often a hindrance to us that can keep us from achieving our goals and feeling good in the process!

Here are three quick strategies you can use to help manage your daily stress levels:

1. Use physical movements to help your body relax

Our minds and bodies have a very strong connection, so much so that if we help one aspect relax, the other will follow suit. Take a few minutes to take deep breaths, stretch, or even do a few yoga poses. Engage in a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. Feel free to experiment and try out different physical activities to see if they work for you. The key here is to focus on relaxing your muscles and your heart/breathing rates. Anything that relaxes your body will in turn relax your mind and reduce those stress levels. 

2. Get organized

We often feel stressed when we’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks and pressures currently on our minds. Taking a moment to get organized, such as writing down our thoughts and organizing them on paper, can help you feel in control again. For some, creating a to-do list and then breaking it down even further by identifying what you’re doing day by day can help feeling overwhelmed. Breaking down tasks into smaller and more approachable steps will help you feel in control and will remind yourself that you’re in progress and tackling your challenges.

3. Reach out for support

You’re not alone! Most people struggle with stress, and this has only been exacerbated by a global pandemic we’ve all experienced together. Talking to a friend, family member, colleague, or even a therapist can help significantly. Our social supports can help remind us that we’re doing the best we can in the moment, we’re not alone, and can validate our concerns.

Different skills work for different people, and therefore it’s important to test out different strategies and find your favorites! Feel free to get creative with these skills and identify ways in which they work for you and integrate well into your daily routine. While stress is sometimes unavoidable, it can certainly be manageable. Using these types of stress management techniques can help us reduce anxiety, be less overwhelmed, and feel more empowered!

Think different, do more, worry less.

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